TOGETHER: Men's Guide | Book 1

Book 1 of our Men's Mentoring Guide.

This Guide equips mentors and mentees with wisdom, practical advice, and empowering strategies to embark on a journey of growth and mentorship.

This book includes:

  • 12 mentoring sessions

  • Conversation starters

  • Encouragement starters

  • Inspiration & ideas for intentional prayer

  • Examples of how to pray using Scripture

  • Space for personal journaling

  • Personal summary reflections

  • Additional resources for becoming a more effective mentor

[Or purchase the print version on Amazon here.]


Most of us men aren’t very good at slowing down and being vulnerable about our wins and failures with other guys. This guide facilitates conversation around lighthearted and tough questions that give you the confidence to go deep with your mentor. I’ve enjoyed our powerful prayer times and digging into Scripture together. All of us know how important it is to do life in community, but many times we forget and get too busy. This guide will strengthen your relationship with your mentor and give you the time needed out of your busy schedule to talk about what is truly important: living a life of purpose for our Creator.


I would highly recommend this book to men of all ages. It covers so many areas/facets of mentoring. This will be a great tool for men, churches, and ministries who have the desire to see a new group of men being raised up to further the kingdom of God.


As a man, I regrettably find it so much easier to invest my time, energy, and money into temporal pursuits rather than the only thing that actually yields a lasting return on investment—and that is God and human relationships. While taking that bold step to engage in a mentoring relationship requires humility and courage, it is one of the most powerful catalysts to drive real growth and maturity in Christ. In this practical guide, Mark and Nancy give us the simple tools and template to just be obedient and walk together with another in the pursuit of godly wisdom. I’m so glad I followed their encouragement to “Be bold. Sharpen up. Fill the Dash.”


$7.00 USD