Mobilizing mentors to impact lives through prayer-focused mentoring. We offer tools, training and community.

Don't Hog Your Story, Blog Your Story

blog impact stories mentees mentoring mentors moms nancy's story Apr 03, 2017

by Nancy Lindgren

When I heard these words come out of my friend Carolyn’s mouth, I knew they were for me. The time had come to dive into the blogging world.

Why was my heart so hesitant and apprehensive?

I guess it’s because I don’t love to talk about me and my opinions. I would much rather sit across the table from you and hear your story. I love to listen and learn.

Then it hit me. The blogging world is a place where I can get to know YOU by giving you the opportunity to share your story, as well.

God doesn’t want me to be quiet about the story He’s written for my life and the same goes for you. He wants our stories shared so He can get the glory. It’s about Kingdom impact.

My story is focused on mentoring. Mentoring is all about relationships. . . .growing in our relationship with God and with others.

I’ve had mentors in my life and have been mentoring moms for nearly 20 years. Two key ministries have given me opportunities to grow in this area of ministry: Moms In Prayer International ( and MOPS (

These relationships with other moms have had a focus of encouragement and prayer and I’m a changed woman because of both. I think we all crave, no matter our age, a relationship with a woman who is a little further down the path, someone who can pour into our lives by being available, speaking words of truth over us and praying together.

God has given me a huge heart of compassion for moms with young children because it’s such a hard season of life – I know it was for me. We had four children in six years.  Life was crazy, chaotic, exhausting and fun all at the same time.

Looking back, I would have loved to have a mentor in those early years who could meet with me and pray with me. Someone who could look me in the eye and say, “Nancy, you are a great mom.” We all feel inadequate, like we’re going to mess up our children’s lives. To have someone see the good, bring it out in us and then pray together would have made a huge difference in my life.

That’s why I’m not going to hog my story, but I’m going to blog my story. Why? Because I think it can make a difference in the lives of young moms, seasoned moms and maybe even women who aren’t moms yet.

Thanks for joining me on this journey! I want to hear from YOU. I want to hear your story, your struggles, your joys, your pain, your insecurities, and your successes. My hope and prayer is that this blog can be a place where we can encourage and pray for each other and that God would be pointed to time and time again and get so much glory.

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:2-3

In the comments below, please share your story. I want to get to know you! Do you have a mentor? Are you mentoring anyone?

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