Mobilizing mentors to impact lives through prayer-focused mentoring. We offer tools, training and community.

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Mentor Spotlight ā€” Joe Brooks Jun 11, 2024

Tell us more about you!
I am a Colorado kid through and through. I grew up on the western slope on a working dude ranch. Hard work and the life of an outdoorsmen and hunter was instilled in me at a very young age, and that was my focus until I met Jesus my Freshman year of High School. I was...

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Mobilizer Spotlight - Wendy Holden May 09, 2024

Tell us more about you!

I'm a wife, and also a mom of boys who are all grown and out of the nest. My heart beats for the local church, and I love being a part of a community that shares Jesus in the everyday-ness of life. 

Tell us more of your story as a mobilizer through MORE Mentoring, and...

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Mentor Spotlight - Jen DeGroff Apr 09, 2024

Tell us more about you!

I have been married to my husband, Jim, for 20 years in May and we have two children, Joella (15) and Jamison (9). We also have two dogs, Indigo (8) and Chara (4 months). We live in Colorado Springs and have a busy life with kids, activities and church. Professionally, I...

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Starting A Mentoring Relationship Mar 14, 2024

By Sarah Brooks and Nancy Lindgren

Have you wanted to mentor someone but not sure how to approach them or to get the conversation started? 

Here are some helpful action steps to take:


1. Pray
Let God guide your steps, your words, and your ask. He will even guide...

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Give Me Vision to See Things Like You Do Jan 16, 2024

By Nancy Lindgren

It’s always fun to see what word God gives us for a new year. For 2024 it’s VISION.

Proverbs 29:18 says “Without revelation people run wild, but one who follows divine instruction will be happy.” (CSB)

We certainly don’t want to be running wild over...

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I Have Everything I Need Nov 20, 2023

By Sarah Brooks

I grabbed a warm blanket with my cup of tea and settled into the corner of my couch, relieved to finally rest. I opened that fun little app with all the pretty squares and videos. Within seconds, I was flooded by porches and living rooms decked heavily in fall decor. I scrolled...

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Someone in Need of a Someone Oct 25, 2023

By Sarah Brooks

I can distinctly remember the first time I took my newborn baby boy to church. I sat in the very back of a middle school gym, behind raised hands and loud voices, praying he would sleep through the whole service. 

Every new mother, I am convinced, whether she wants to admit it...

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It's Time to Mobilize The Mentors Sep 13, 2023

By Nancy Lindgren

The Lord has been stirring my heart for over a year with these words:

It’s time to mobilize the mentors.

The time is now. There is an urgency. The need is great. The call on our lives is to invest in people. We are moving into a new era where an army of mentors will rise up...

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Why We Need A New Generation of Mentors Aug 08, 2023

By Leslie Bennett 

The moment Mary learned from the angel Gabriel that she would become pregnant through the Holy Spirit’s power, surely her mind raced around the first-century world and back with a million questions and fears. Her life would never be the same. She worried how Joseph...

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Mentoring in Action Jun 20, 2023

By Cindy Davis

My interest in mentoring came not from my own experience, but from watching my 10-year-old son experience grief. The sudden death of my younger brother had left the family in shock. My son’s fun uncle, whom he played football with and looked up to like a big brother, was...

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Listen Up! Apr 13, 2023

By Nancy Lindgren

I recently had an interesting interaction with a woman I met for the first time. She was an open book from the get-go and poured out her story within minutes of our introduction. I love those personalities! She shared from her heart with passion. She was authentic and...

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A Mentor's Wisdom in My Life Mar 13, 2023

by Paige, a mentee

 So this is the joy of marriage! I excitedly kept thinking during my honeymoon last summer. I had just married my best friend and was thrilled our days of long-distance dating were over. But soon afterward, once we returned to our new residence and started doing daily life...

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